
Play slippery slides should pay attention to safety matters

Children playing kids indoor play equipment, it should step up the steps, and hand railings climb slide top. From the mouth should not slide backwards to climb, to prevent accidents.Be sure to tell the children towards the foot slipped, and upper body upright. Decided not to allow children head-down, or down tummy belly slide down.Decli ning process, one should have only one child. To slide down rankings after a young child, children can begin the second slip. Do not let children sliding down one by one, in order to avoid crushing.Tell children playing slide, you should see if there are other children at the bottom of slides sitting there or in there playing. After sliding down from a slide, it shall immediately got up and left slide, slid down to the back to make room for young children.Some slides climb the ladder is only one root of fine steel, it is easy because Caikong children from falling off a ladder in the middle of the gap at the injury. So, over a small child at play, adults need to grip them climb.In the play, they should not give children to wear with a long rope children\'s clothing, scarves, do not hang keys rope, mobile phone rope, etc., while girls long hair should be tied up.infant playground equipment are favorite activities children, parents and schools should pay attention to every detail, attention to the maintenance of safety for young children, do not let the tragedy happen again.

