
Baby is not what is the reason playfulness

Play playground indoor equipment is a young baby the most happy thing, but sometimes he does not like to play , the lack of playfulness naughty fort, how is this going ?
Baby own reasons
From the baby itself and the external environment factors: physical discomfort ( such as tired, sleepy , hungry , sick , etc. ) or a bad mood . Others, such as : Babe is focused on one thing, and do not want to ignore others ; attracted by another thing , do not want to play with the things at hand ; parents or toys and games inappropriate for his age , etc. , can make his lack of playfulness .
Cause of parents
Parental involvement is also often destroy playfulness attitude is an important reason . Such as: babe with a tone of command and talk , asking him to rule in accordance with the manner and parents play . Or the baby will not fear , anxious to teach him the right play, babe forgot to create and play opportunities ; or to ach ieve certain learning objectives while ignoring the play interesting. Or fear broke Babe expensive baby play equipment or furniture , everywhere restrictions babe gameplay ...... these negative attitudes not only destroyed the Babe\'s playfulness , more serious is that it is stifling creativity and imagination babe a powerful killer, but this result was not the original intention when parents are involved .
Therefore, parents should pay attention to the lack of playfulness babe , be sure to find out why !

