Kids loved the game , more like toys. Good indoor play ground equipment, not only to attract the children , the children bring joy and wisdom , but also so that the child playing with toys in the process , so that key physical and mental health development . Brazilian psychologist Christina Morrell said: "Children toys performance through their way of life ." " We can summarize the development of children\'s activities in order: observation , hands and inventions . They want and what to do to take advantage of toys , varies with age , until the creation and fantasy stage . " Therefore , parents should buy for their children a good toy for children , so the selection of toys should follow several principles . How should parents choose child\'s toy , the experts believe , selecting toys for their children , must follow a few key principles:
( A ) comply with child interest. Parents when choo sing toys for their children , we must take into account the child\'s basic interests, must be the child wants, choosing toys , let the children look at his eyes and you can choose to buy toys and other toys. Toy is not the more expensive the better , it should be emphasized that for children, senior precious toys and the surface is often not the best. Kids love to use toys to get an unexpected pleasure , very ordinary toys more often than expensive gifts welcomed by children .
( 2 ) age-appropriate . What kind of parents for their children to buy toys for kids older must follow the principles . Baby toys should generally choose a noise or brightly colored toys , while older children will buy some emphasis on intellectual development toys. Children of all ages are mainly based recreational activities selected toys. For example, Brazil ( title ) Weekly, July 25, 1998 a report noted kids activities and toys are to be elected :
① before the age . Baby through sensor y and motor explore everything around . So he was interested in something attractive . Nice touch , easy to operate and pastel toys for them , such as the bell files , blocks, foam or rubber dolls and other toys.
② 1-3 years old. Child after repeated operation has gradually adapt their play , find different ways to play . More appropriate to repeat simple movements play toys. When the child activity expanded and started to walk , they like the freedom to explore the surrounding space . This stage is the best toy ball , toy cars and other can drag , push or rotate toys.
③ 3-5 years old. Is the child of imagination peak period of development . Dolls , fantasy , animals, etc. are mixed together greatly enriched the content of children\'s activities . Dolls and cars are at this stage of your child\'s favorite toys. They also began to like assembly and puzzle toys. Gradually began to like reading books with illustrations of the characters .
④ 6 - 9 years old. The child began to have clear rules of the game are interested in sharing with other children and adults happy . He began to understand the concepts and rules of the game to build their own social conduct . There are many games on the child\'s imagination , memory and ability to challenge such magic, scientific experiments and board games.
⑤ 10 years of age. With the approaching adolescence , began to face more complex challenges , requiring a greater ability to concentrate for longer time and greater ability to abstract . This requires strategy and thinking games such as chess . They most notably in harmony with other people having fun . Theatrical performances , dancing and other group games should be encouraged.
( 3 ) consider the environmental suitability . Parents buy Indoor childrens playground toys for their children , but also consider the appropriateness of the ch ild\'s entertainment environment play such toys . If the housing is tight, no children \'s playroom , and put toys in very small places , do not buy a big toy or need a larger place to play toys.
( 4 ) types of toys amount. Children love toys, but not for children to buy toys better. Children\'s toys too much , not only to the child\'s psychological development and the formation of a negative personality traits , but also to adults a lot of trouble . Toys too much can make children develop things half-hearted, can not have a dedicated thinking and habits ; put toys to play with one or two you have lost ; promote the child becomes grass is always greener , not sparing toys ; impede the family clean and beautiful , and so on. Buy toys for children is generally not more than thirty-four as well, and do not give children to play while a few pieces of toys , each with one , two appropriate.
( 5 ) Do adult care . Provan Zuo suggested that parents give their children the best care for adults without kids can play with toys. This not only saves adults some time , but the main thing is to develop the child\'s independence , autonomy and creativity.
( 6 ) Avoid toys should not be. Although , from simple handmade toys and assembling toys until the extremely complex video games, all of the items for entertainment reasoning ability for helping children get the formation and the ability to adapt to the outside world has an important role . However, there are some toys are not conducive to the child\'s intellectual development . As Christina said : "There is no doubt that most of the electronic toys are limited creativity, especially robots, these toys that children tend to become passive ." So , today, has come to the knowledge society , knowledge society, innovation is important issue , so parents when choosing toys for children , be sure to buy toys can stimulate children creativity , and creativity to avoid purchase limit their ch ildren \'s toy .
In short , the parents simply follow the above options fit for children \'s intelligence toys tips , you can choose the appropriate toys for the children . However, after the purchase of the toy , parents should guide their children to play with toys correctly . Also, the children have had enough interest has been weak or toy close up , over time , a chance for children to play . Would like to see the long-awaited children \'s friends like it as much .
Play equipment, is currently in the country, still in the early stages, mainly in the small playground equipment play areas, equipment, single, small number of people to participate, many people are not able to enjoy the fun play equipment. So play equipment market outlook is still very great! To operate amusement equipment, the election Ze venue crucial; course also need to have a good playground equipment supplier.