
Water Roller maintenance instructions

Water Roller is a children's play equipment favorite play one set of novelty, fun, safe, exciting and fitness in one, can be directly used for children. As such naughty fort inflatable water roller device is children playing more, inevitably there will be children's naughty or careless damage to break, how to repair damaged water roller it? To summarize for you below:
A, repair needle:
If your water roller accidentally puncture needle or a wooden one or more small needle, is the easiest to repair:
1, the product gas nozzle cover deflated to reduce the gas flow within the product;
2, glue the patch package removed, a drop in the eye of a needle glue on the line;
3, if the needle is large, then take a toothpick, glue dot with a toothpick tip dipped, painted into its inner needle breakage, and then glue the eye of a needle can be painted mouth;
4, repair completed in four hours after inflation.
Two,soft playground equipment suede patches:
1, carefully clean the repair area;
2, after drying, remove the patch cut well, cover the damaged surface, allowing around a little more;
3, in the patch and the damaged surface coated with a layer of glue, glue the patch side seam glued to ensure complete sealing;
4, with a smooth, heavy object to be fastened;
5, with heavy compression, the pressure to 24 hours later inflated repair is completed.

